I had to travel to Sweden recently. So probably in 2 hours or so i packed all the necessary things, took my old notebook-bag out of the dusty closet (cleaned it) and packed all the NB-stuff into it. I also included my new  KOSS UR-40 headphones in the bag. I have to tell I wasn’tso much impressed when I bought them. You know – in Ukraine if want to know how smth sounds you’ll probably have to buy it first. Well they were better than an average headset but still I considered my old Panasonic HG50 to sound softer even if they didn’t catch some low levels.

So as I pointed out, I took all my stuff and started off for the journey. It took me 2 flights to get to Sweden and, as a result 4 X-ray checks on my luggage. Tired to death I reached the hotel at 9 PM and after a brief shower decided to listen to smth good before I get to sleep. I put my headphones on, launch winamp, brose for smth and – oh my goodness! What a perfect sound! At first I didn’t believe it were my new UR-40… but then I thought it can’t be my old Panasonic one’s  -they cant catch that tiny sound… Finally I realized smth must have happened to my KOSS. I dunno what and I dunno why, but now they sound a lot better. Still not worth the money I paid but close to it. 
So whenever you have a bad headset – try putting it through an X-ray – and maybe they’ll get better too;)