Amazing. Yes it was really amazing. I traveled with my darling Anya and I didn’t expect it that good especially keeping in mind that we had to go with a 4 star hotel. However it was really nice and if you consider going to Turkey with a low budget – I would recommend [Kosdere Exclusive][1](the place we stayed in).  
First thing I have to mention is our tour agency [Tez Tour][2]. Everywhere we went we saw their buses/representatives that were very friendly and helpful. You could get any info|support you needed and always with a cheerful smile. Of course they most of the personnel in the hotel understands/speaks English buy it way more convenient if there is someone that can explain smth to you using your native language.  

Another thing worth mentioning the Turkish people standard of living. When I was planning to visit this country I believed Ukraine is far more strong both economically and ethically. But when I actually talked to people there and listened to what they say interesting facts turned out. One of the things that impressed me the most(and I’ve seen the proof of it by my very own eyes) – the absence of crime on the streets. If the shop owner wants to close the shop he/she simply hangs a big peace of fabrics over the shop-front and that’s it! Nothing gets stolen. Unf…believable. Also the country takes good care of people, provides free education and has a good well-formed and modern army. BTW half of the country’s budget goes to army needs. Another interesting thing is that an average wedding in Turkey has >500 invitees. And the ones that are held in the countryside have more than 1200 invitees. And all these people know each other. The population of the country is twice as ours and I believe their economy is twice as strong… They produce perfect cars, textile and have a well developed tourism(although it gives them only 5% of their country’s income).

And, of course, the sea. I visited the Mediterranean seashore. The water there is so salty then why you dry-up after swimming you can collect salt from your skin. This fact makes it very easy to swim even with one hand:). the water is blue and somewhere at 6:30 AM it looks totally white(due to lots of salt). 26-28 degrees above zero in the water makes you wanna never come out to the shore.
A few words about the weather. The first day when we arrived I was struck by the heat and the amount of moisture int the air. To my great relief the conditioner in our room was working regardless of the key-lock present, so I whenever I returned back to my hotel room I could have a fresh breath. But the mediterranian sea was great so I din’t visit my hotel room often :). And later, when I had already got used to the worm climate there sometimes in the evening I even felt a bit cold(and the conditioner was used then hardly once a day for a few hours).
Another nice thing was the local food. In the hotel restaurant you could find everything: different meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, junk-food:). I think it could meat anyone’s needs and tastes. Also turkish delight and sherbet are definitely worth trying.
Of course it is a bit weird to see palms instead of oaks and beeches, swarthy people all around you and most drinks for 1$, but I really think this country is worth visiting again.