THEY ALL SUCK!!! a big deal.
I will start with the last one. Having just recovered from the flu I decided to go to the hospital in order to check if I’ve totally recovered and that there is nothing “under the hood” which would strike me in the back in few days. The normal procedure here is to have a blood analysis and a few more tests. Step one – find the doctor. The friendly woman on the reception forwarded me to the room 225 where I had to meet one. No lines – I just enter the room and the doctor greets me: “Hi, were are you living?” WTF?! – “Bla-bla”(giving him my address). “You know – I can do anything for you – your flat is not ‘in my range’. Your doctor will come 6 hours later.” God damn! I’ve got work to do! After I insisted he gave me the ticket for tests. Happy with that I come 4 storeys up. I enter the test-room and the friendly nurse greets me “Hi, have you got your cotton-wool and hydrogen peroxide with you? If not we’re not able to proceed with the tests”. Holy….. where am I ? In the desert? Africa? Global shortage of everything? NO – UKRAINE! It turned out that I just need to give her 2 UAH and it turns out the everything is in its place…. For God sakes! I understand salaries are low, but soon I see I would have to do the tests by myself – they will generously give me an opportunity to use their precious equipment!
Now those people… We’ve got an epidemic situation here recently. Same as EVERY year. Just that now also have elections coming. So this situation is shifted to be the disaster of all times and our candidates faithfully fighting it. Thanks to that everyone got frightened that they will come down ill or even worse – die. Predictably (in the ukrainian way) people bought all the available medicine in all possible stores. Result – healthy people with pills, store owners with money – poor ill people without money and medicine dying. This is the Ukrainian way of preventing epidemics.
Now you just listen to them – the major reason for the flu to spread so fast is !!!! migration of people in western Ukraine. Translation: these european bastards going back and forth and pople trying to earn a bit of money – they are THE MOST EVIL – lets isolate them! Bullshit! Double bullshit! Look into our hospitals – they are almost ruins. Let any european enter the toilet in our hospital, in the hospital where people are trying to cure serious diseases or are having procedures of different complexity, where babies are born – he/she will never vote for Ukraine to join EU. EVER. I mentioned toilet because if of hand it might not strike that hard – visiting that place leaves an unforgettable impression. This is why we have an epidemic situation – because doctors say – it’s not my case,and all the money for hospitals are … vanished.
I wonder if it ever comes to en end or at least change. And I wonder if I would be still alive…