Ever thought of using mysql database in .NET app? Obviously you link some other language with this DB format but it can be perfectly handled with MySql connector for .NET you can use standard ADO interfaces and approaches. Now that was the time I REALLY enjoyed working with mysql at last.

09/26/2008 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Code highlighting lib missing.

Yesterday tried to post some code to my technical blog again. What a painfull process was that! Never thought it would be so hard to add some custom javascript to my template. If Google validates input so hard why won’t they create some custom tag for code? I think many people use code posts in blogger but as far as i’ve seen all of them look pretty bad. Live space...

06/12/2008 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Trying out Google base

Subj is only at beta but is really nice! Though not very complicated and lots of info on google sites i found it still quite time consuming to write a single posting app… But when finished everything looked very nice! class Program { const string GOOGLE_LOGIN_SECTION = "googleLogin"; const string BATCH_COUNT_SETTING = "batchCount"; const string CHECK_EXISTANCE_SETTING = "checkExistance"; const string MyItem_ITEMTYPE_SETTING = "MyItemItemType"; const string MyDB_CONNECTION_STRING = "MyDBConnectionString"; static void Main(string[] args) { string appNameG = Utils....

06/10/2008 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

.NET Marshalling

Interesting things happen when you try to marshal something in real life….Even if you do not happen to dig into strange structure-marshalling: just a few methods or smth. strange problems may occur. For example marshalling char** for in and out usage. I was struggling for about a day for the code worked on developmnet environment and did not on test:). So the correct marshal is next [native] extern __declspec(dllexport) int SomeFunc(char** stringArray); [marshal]...

01/22/2008 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Display TIFF in picturebox (Adobe plugins)

The previous post highlighted how to accomplish the given task using TIFF-PDF-JPEG-BITMAP conversion. Though this was is complicated it works perfect. But so much code for so little functionality often is not considered good if even eccepted. Recently a new way was found. It has to be said that it is not “the proper way”, because it needs some annatural code, but it is considerably lighter than the previous one. SO the idea is to draw direktly on the window using its HWND and SDK drawContentsToFunction....

11/05/2007 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Tiff to Picture box in PDF plugin ADM dialog

Today i would like to continue PDF plugins development theme. The next thing i was struggling with for about three days was displaying *TIFF ot *TIF images in Picture box control on he ADMDialog. Well nice thing is it can do this, bad thing is: not the way we think it should be. Unfortunately i havent found the other way as to convert image file to JPEG format(through PDF) and that load it as BITMAP which i could put into the ADMIconRef…Also i would like to admit that after loading the HBITMAP i had to resize it to the proper the of pcture box i had....

11/01/2007 · 10 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Custom selection server in PDF plugin

Recently i was developing a feature for the Adobe(R) Acrobat Reader(R) plugin and come across an issue of selecting/highlighting annotations on the document based on some criteria e.g. if an annotation is positioned too close to the margin of the page… – bad you are :). Here i’ll post a tutorial like code for atchieving this goal for when trying to resolve that problem the only helpful information i foud was the Adobe Acrobat 7....

10/19/2007 · 9 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Nice books to read[OOP,OOD, Agile etc.]

Recently, i started to come across _r e a l l y _nice books about software project management and risks. So friends of mine also share good patterns/best practices books. among them the can be listed : _ _Tom DeMarco, “Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects” Steve McConnell “Software project survival guide” “Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models” Martin Fowler Design Patterns Book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by ErichGamma, RichardHelm, RalphJohnson, and JohnVlissides Edvard Yourdon ‘Death March’ if someone can contribute to the list – welcome!...

09/27/2007 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn