MCP aquired…

[<img style=“float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 160px; height: 80px;” src=“” border=“0” alt="" id=“At last i finally got time to get to that certification center and pass that damn 70-536. You can’t really work with all of that technology at once to keep all the names of classes and methods in your head, and the projects are swapping fast… SO it took me more than a year to get from an idea of sitting an axam to actually passing it....

04/16/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Java sdk is hacking Window… :)

Everybody knows of such a nice tool developed by our precious Google as Google Search. Recently I conducted a search on my computer for a simple word ‘Hack’. I was impressed by the results: the word is mostly used in … !!!Java sdk!!! – try it out. I saw also some Visusal Studio files and some more but… I the Sun guys need to hack Windows in orde to get things done… no fursther comments…...

04/12/2009 · 4 min · Viktor Halitsyn

X-ray headphones improve

I had to travel to Sweden recently. So probably in 2 hours or so i packed all the necessary things, took my old notebook-bag out of the dusty closet (cleaned it) and packed all the NB-stuff into it. I also included my new KOSS UR-40 headphones in the bag. I have to tell I wasn’tso much impressed when I bought them. You know – in Ukraine if want to know how smth sounds you’ll probably have to buy it first....

04/12/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

J2ME radio lists trouble

Recently I needed to do a simple task – implement a radio button list with choices under J2ME MIDP 2.0. I started with creating an new view of type javax.microedition.lcdui.List, keeping in mind that I can just construct it with List.EXCLUSIVE and add whatever items i want and everything should work fine. Well almost… All looked nice and the items showed up very attractively, having transparency and current font set up by default, which looked quite impressive....

03/19/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Strange Nokia Music converter.

The nice thing about all Noka phones is that they simply work. No excuses. But seems like putting lts of effort into the phone firmware leaves very little to the supporting software these phones are shipped with. There is a really nice piece of software called “Nokia PC Suite”. Though it is 80% useless to my mind it has always been a pleasure for me to know I can manage utmost every feature in my phone throught that shiny UI....

03/18/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

.NET 1.0 to .NET 2.0 migration…

Actually a painfull process it can be if the project you’re trying to convert has lots of custom stuff. The first problem i stumbled upon was resources. eah yeah – i mean form resources. They ciompletely refused to work. I know about that separation that came in when VS 2005 was introduced so I did use DeCodEx to make majour conversion and splitting but it still turned out that my forms are not opening :(....

10/01/2008 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn


About 3 years ago I wash introduced to CVS and from that time I havent stopped using it as it quickly became my daily useage tool. Since than I tried some different tools- just because i had to due to work purposes and one of them was Subversion(SVN). I [ractically don’t see any difference between the two in usage and moreover in the interface. It has to be said that I use TortoiseCVS/SVN verisons – maybe standalone apps differ significantly....

09/29/2008 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Who the hell is “Next In”?

Recently found myself registered in this wierd system Next In. The most interesting part is I’ve never made any registrations on this site at all! Looks like those guys’ve just stolen public info from famous sites like Linked-In. If anyone comes across this one don’t trust any info they give – ‘case started by stealing i think they will go further. Just want to make official notice of that I have no relation to info that can be found there....

09/29/2008 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Google chrome

Now that this fancy prog is available i downloaded and installed it hoping to see all that Google promised it will have. However either ’cause its beta or these things just cant be fixed for browsers – here ‘s my opinion after about half a moth usage. Usability – good, except if one tab hangs – all tabs entire app hang…After some time however you get a dialog requesting the stop of some plugin, but in general – if there is no active items on the page – it just hangs 🙁...

09/26/2008 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

WISE installation studio

Windows Installer… nightmare… WISE – hurt me plenty. Although this is much simpler and logical to my mind then WI it is still very sensible to changes. What I am trying to say – if do everything right from the first time e.g. correctly choose all names and dialogs and files e.t.c it works perfectly. But when after 5 minutes you decide to change, say, some script or file destination WISE i making so many actions in background you can’t even imagine....

09/26/2008 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn