BlackBerry internet usage, OTA and other staff.

Continuing the BlackBerry theme would like to share a few more issues I’ve ran into recently. Internet usage. If you subscribe to blackberry service you can optionally buy some “internet package” from your provider in order to minimize internet expenses. This a great choice since you’re going to visit internet pretty often if you’ve chosen blackberry. Everything goes fine until you start using Java apps on your phone. Java uses it OWN predefined internet connection DIFFERENT from the one the browser uses....

09/24/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

BlackBerry invokeLater and Multimedia.

Recently had an issue in the BlackBerry Java application: it was reported to crash if the sounds were on and played often. However it didn’t crash if sounds were played once in a while. After some investigation it turned out that there are no memory leaks but some thing blocked the event dispatch queue. I asked for help on Stack Overflow and BlackBerry developer forums but that didn’t lead me anywhere except that I thought that something definitely gets locked....

09/23/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Blogger code formatting.

Finally I found a nice code formatter for google blogs. Thanks to PleaseMakeAnote now I can make such fancy posts as: using System; /// <summary> /// Summary description for Class1 /// </summary> public class Class1 { public Class1() { // // TODO: Add constructor logic here // int x = 10; } }

09/14/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

MCTS acquired!

One step forward to MCPD. To my mind there is not that much to pass in this exam(MCPD) &#8211; it&#8217;s like a combination of the previous 2 with some logic included- not just simple development components. Regarding the exam – not much can be said. Only one thing is worth mentioning – it feels like not everything in this exam is covered by the training kit. Of course I can be wrong, but still feels like it is… Interesting how would the next one go…

09/12/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Turkey vacation.

Amazing. Yes it was really amazing. I traveled with my darling Anya and I didn&#8217;t expect it that good especially keeping in mind that we had to go with a 4 star hotel. However it was really nice and if you consider going to Turkey with a low budget &#8211; I would recommend [Kosdere Exclusive][1](the place we stayed in). First thing I have to mention is our tour agency [Tez Tour][2]....

09/12/2009 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Ukrainian independence day.

It&#8217;s funny sometimes how could absolutely non-officially connected news be linked together so tightly that one couldn&#8217;t even imagine. Today, reading the daily news I came across an article describing the Barack Obama&#8217;s attitude towards Ukrainian <span style="font-family: -webkit-monospace;"><span style="-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';"><span style="-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px;">sovereignty along with greetings regarding this year&#8217;s independence day. Between the other it was stated there that &#8220;USA won&#8217;t abandon Ukraine on its way towards democratic future&#8230;&#8221;....

08/27/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Windows service accounts.

Recently(probably 2 moths ago, but still – recently) had to configure a bit of security for our test servers, visible to the web. Of course started with securing services under their own special accounts, limited to a very small amount of rights. Everything went on smoothly except one lil’ thing – it didn’t work:) All permissions were set correctly, all relationships assigned well, but services didn’t start. Resolution(found it in 2 hours) was fairly simple – while creating accounts for my services I forgot to check the “Password never expires” checkbox....

08/21/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

How do they do it?

It often happens that you have smth. to share with the rest of the world, but you do not have time for it. “You do not have time”… sounds pathetic… I think it happens more because of the laziness… yeah definitely. Now I begin to understand why podcasts gain more and more popularity these days – you do not have to organize links, format text. Find errors, reread the written text in order to find ABSOLUTELY ODD sentences 🙂 Interesting how do experienced bloggers keep their notes and where… My last try is google docs....

08/21/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Ukrainians on Times.

Today visited Times. Was interested in one article about (RU+GBR)/UA. To hell the article. I read the comments. OMG. OMG again. “People, even something that you care for most (democracy?) does not give you the right to lie passionately and ignore facts and invent lies. BTW, Eduard Glushko – if you are so much afraid of the The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, it still can be repaired. Poland has to give back to Germany the territories they got after WW2....

08/20/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Damn Symbian errors!

Now you never know how will modern technology strike you next time… Experience I’ve got today is remarkable. It’s not that something awful happened, but potentially this is really serious. Imagine you have a template in the phone to send SMS quickly with predefined text. And Imagine this piece of software has bugs… Whatever – one might think if it won’t send an sms – I’ll retype and sent it again....

06/20/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn