Devenv crash from the command line.

Those of you who use devenv for building VS solutions(although you are discouraged to [here][1]) might get into trouble if your solution has more than 1 project and it takes quite a time building both. Today I had a problem with that launching VS build from inside an ant script – a standard windows crash appeared with 0xc000005 error code and a “friendly” Send/Don’t send error to Microsoft dialog. Also I noticed that the VS cl....

12/24/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Creating dynamic plugin architecture with C#.NET

There are a few articles on the web describing how to load assemblies using reflection, thus allowing you to execute third-party code inside your own application. While applicable in most cases, my customer wanted those plugins to be replaceable on-the-fly. Keep mind that once an assembly has been loaded into an application domain it cannot be unloaded unless you unload the domain(which is you main app domain by default)=close the application....

12/12/2009 · 5 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Sad & funny world of mobile development.

Being a ‘mobile’ developer is definitely fun. Although sometimes, when you think about it ‘deeper’ you’d rather drink a pint of whiskey:). Take a look at the enterprise Symbian OS: Reliable, huh? 😉 And it’s not just Symbian – in my point of view it’s MIDP itself. You just can’t rely on it unless you test, test and once again – test. For me it feels like implementation usually just do not care about about what does the specification say....

12/07/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

:? = (think)

Yess and BTW its the Skype shortcut. While on thinking mood guess what would the ‘telemonision’ or here in Ukraine ‘telemonizor’ would mean? You guessed it right – a monitor, which has a capability to be come an TV. Why would one need such a thing – I dunno, but lots and lots of people here want it. I suppose they think that in this way they would spend less money – but hey – you would have none: no monitor would be a good TV and no TV would suit you as a nice fast-response monitor, UNLESS it costs more then 2 of them bought separately....

12/01/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

JetBrains Idea – still the best.

Now that I wrote lots of ‘bad’ stuff about this new community version – time to write something fine, as I really enjoy developing in this IDE. First of all I downloaded a new 90.193 version and noticed that UI issues are all fixed in it. Although my ‘more serious’ still reproduce this is something pleasant, indicating that the work is in progress and I’m sure all the other stuff will be fixed soon....

11/19/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Femen must have been doing that right.

Now seriously smth HAS to be done about Ukrainian girls reputation in Europe and generally throughout the world. Now I can’t speak for whole Ukraine but it seems to me that at least Western Ukraine girls are not that money-loving. Today walking to work I saw this All this stuff means “I am a wealthy entrepreneur from USA looking for a nice whore wife from Ukraine aging 19-27″. Now I’ve seen this in newspapers and message boards etc....

11/18/2009 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition – now it gets serious.

In my <span></span>[<span></span>previous pos][1][<span></span>t<span></span>][2] I described some minors that harmed my first impressions on this perfect IDE, but now that I used it for a week more serious things came along. First of all I’ve ran into an issue with ant Jar task. It refused to work with an ‘update’ option set to true. The interesting part of it was that executing the task independently didn’t cause any pain, but launching it in the sequence(multiple calls through different build scripts) caused ant to … hang....

11/12/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition first impressions.

Recently JetBrains [released the brand new version of IDEA][1] free for all. A few years before I Used this IDE for some projects and was very happy with it &#8211; consequent moving to eclipse disappointed me much. However time passed and I&#8217;ve got used to eclipse &#8211; it&#8217;s not a bad platform after all and it was free. So now when the free version idea came out I was very anxious convincing our customers to switch....

11/05/2009 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Flu, people and ukrainian healthcare system

THEY ALL SUCK!!! a big deal. I will start with the last one. Having just recovered from the flu I decided to go to the hospital in order to check if I’ve totally recovered and that there is nothing “under the hood” which would strike me in the back in few days. The normal procedure here is to have a blood analysis and a few more tests. Step one – find the doctor....

10/30/2009 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

BlackBerry fun.

Reading the developers guide on BlackBerry you may come across astonishing things. I’m impressed. When I started doing little things in the blackberry app I soon got used to it and considered the platform to be well organized. Now that I’m reading a book I get more and more confused about what I should do and what I shan’t! Take a look at this masterpiece > > > Why it is not necessary to obfuscate applications > > > > The compiler for the BlackBerry® Java™ Development Environment is set to minimize the size of the application....

10/20/2009 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn