Nokia OVI suite & sms extract.

There was a nice program for syncing phone and PC called Nokia PC Suite. While still available on some dusty hard drives it is now replaced with something called Nokia Ovi Suite. As I mentioned before – nice piece of software if we forget about all the “store” thing. But it has one important for me thing missing – sms extracting mechanism. You can’t just take all of your sms and store to the file you want....

12/27/2010 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

.NET WMI. Or how do I get all that info?

There’s a ton of Win properties that your program might want to access/possess/transform and there’s a single place to find them: WMI queries. Though some of the properties might be scattered through different classes like Environment and *Info and even *Stream and more(and I believe accessing them through that places is significantly cheaper and faster) there’s one sigle silver bullet to get them all via Select * From [win_category] The problem is there are tons of “win_category]’ and * values....

10/13/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

.NET tab control.

Consider some UI that you would like to present as tabs. And you also know that all these tabs would have a considerate amount of code in common. There are some thoughts [here][1] but those are more about visual representation. Also creating usercontrols I believe is not an option due to it’s not expected to have more tah one tab of a kind. The solution has to both utilize the VS designer(otherwise tab creation would take considerably more time) and keep the code separate from the tabcontrol – holder form....

10/08/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn


There is a nice tutorial here on how to create spring web services using jax-b. Works just fine but it’s hell lots of issues you would run into while making it actually work. The most frustrating for me as of today was the absence of Jaxb2Marshaller. in the std “spring-ws-core” artifact package. It’s just not there and noone would tell you. Only _**Jaxb1Marshaller **_is. After an hour googling found this (BTW very simple and straightforward) post where spotted the “spring-oxm-tiger” artifact....

09/29/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

MCPD acquired.

Finally. Now frankly – preparing for MS exams while doing die-hard java is not a funny thing to do. NEVER practice such a combination… About the exam – it was better then the previous 2: it obeyed no rules:). What I mean here is that I could have skipped the preparation kit completely! Yes there were a few questions related to the book’s content, BUT reading it is completely optional IMHO....

03/28/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

907: Invalid cod and other BlackBerry OTA problems.

Most of us, who developed any BlackBerry app that had to be shipped OTA had seen this “descriptive” error. It might be anything from invalid jad to signing problems. The one I’m going to describe here is when the size of the cod file is more than 64K. Finding out if you have this problem is fairly easy: just look into the final cod and see if there are actually 2 cod files packaged in one cod....

03/10/2010 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Wireless router problem and an unexpected way to solve it.

A lil’ bit nerdy here. So if anyone does not like all that computer stuff skip to the LAST LINE. The trouble. It all started when I bought my first wireless router D-Link DIR 320. It looked fine. Started working in seconds and was pretty easy to configure. I was really happy but the I suddenly saw that I can’t reach my favorite finance site. Sites may be down, I thought....

03/09/2010 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Idea ant hanging

I had a very ‘uncomfortable’ issue with Idea when using it for ant builds – it hang in certain places like jar update task, rename task or similar. All my struggle can be found on Idea track. Fortunately Carl Abramsson found a workaround for that issue using -noinput switch to ant launch. Now everything works like a charm. Decided to create this post in case some one will be desperately googling for a solution in the wrong place 🙂

02/11/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Nokia Ovi suite

Installed, played with it a bit… Looks nice 🙂 Among significant pluses(IMHO of course): smoother experience nice improved and thought out UI sms log deserves additional applause (clap)(clap)(clap) back(PC->phone) synchronization improved(both speed and reliability) working(at last) maps(NavTech) among things I miss: full control over the phone’s file system application install media(other then mp3) transfer But for those the are great news: Good ol’ PC Suite is not removed with Ovi upgrade 🙂 So you can still use it if you wish to… Generally Ovi is a much better tool for daily sync then PC Suite was....

02/04/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Switching to container based datasource…

Quite a time ago had to do this but had no time for posting a complete solution. Read a few articles on that so that I got the idea. Although it looks quite simple you might run into several configuration issues firing weird and long stacktraces. To get rid of those I’ll describe the way it worked for me with some additional comments. First of all lets assume we use JBoss app server....

01/11/2010 · 2 min · Viktor Halitsyn