Consider some UI that you would like to present as tabs. And you also know that all these tabs would have a considerate amount of code in common. There are some thoughts [here][1] but those are more about visual representation. Also creating  usercontrols I believe is not an option due to it’s not expected to have more tah one tab of a kind. The solution has to both utilize the VS designer(otherwise tab creation would take considerably more time) and keep the code separate from the tabcontrol – holder form. So that you have all functionality neatly separated. 

Haven’t found any except [here][2] which looks kinda OK but lots of custom code. Would like to have just tabs used just in normal tabcontrol…

Will try to find/develop one over weeks or find a good reason not to do it.(know WPF solves it with templates. requirements  – plain old WinFroms) Any comments are welcome.