Now that I wrote lots of ‘bad’ stuff about this new community version – time to write something fine, as I really enjoy developing in this IDE.

First of all I downloaded a new 90.193 version and noticed that UI issues are all fixed in it. Although my ‘more serious’ still reproduce this is something pleasant, indicating that the work is in progress and I’m sure all the other stuff will be fixed soon.

Another thing I wanted to tell is a lil’ story about how IDE can save ‘ur time. I gave a task to my co-developer to clean-up the Constants class of all the unnecessary constants we had. there was quite a rush some time before and we didn’t have time to think over renaming and finding the ‘correct match’. Using Eclipse it took 3-4 hours looking ant every single constant and drilling through the code to find usages. Ok. Today I opened the file with my Idea community and guess what I saw? Right – 9 constants in different places reported having no usage at all. How much time did I spend? Probably a second – to open the file, all the rest had been done by Idea… And this is just one of the cases.

So I’ll continue using this community version and try to contribute to it as much as I can, for it definitely makes me more productive.