Internet is basically full of subj but vice-versa(BlazeDS to java). So the problem I had was that when the object is “translated” from java via BlazeDS to flex application it had NAN’s in the double fields. The transfer object was a simple POJO I passed via the interface. First thing I checked were the getters – all present and valid. I took quite a lot of time till we figured out that it was the missing setters which made the code malfunction. The problem was that on some objects I declared an immutable interface and implemented it in a DTO object. I did not add setters where I never planned to use them. This turned out to be the crucial mistake: Always be sure to have both getters and setters in your DTO. It doesn’t matter if you pass it via immutable interface or not – the underlying object has to have both methods on the field otherwise we get NAN.