In my <span></span>[<span></span>previous pos][1][<span></span>t<span></span>][2] I described some minors that harmed my first impressions on this perfect IDE, but now that I used it for a week more serious things came along.

First of all I’ve ran into an issue with ant Jar task. It refused to work with an ‘update’ option set to true. The interesting part of it was that executing the task independently didn’t cause any pain, but launching it in the sequence(multiple calls through different build scripts) caused ant to … hang. It just waits indefinitely. I double checked if the file was locked – it wasn’t. I could do anything I want with the file – even delete it while ant was successfully hanging. Fortunately I resolved this by using a combination of ‘unzip’/’jar’ tasks, but “it’s not the right way”.

Second thing that struck me was the ant editor. I felt really happy fixing build scripts in Idea so I recommended it to a colleague of mine. She tried it and the first time she opened the the build script – Idea hang with eating all of the CPU and a fair amount of ram. I thought it’s something like ‘things happen’. But it reproduced continuously. So I tried opening it by myself – and it also reproduced!!! Damn! Eclipse opens the file in a blink of the eye. The file is fairly big and complicated. But it is _impossible _to work with it in Idea.

Personally I don’t think I would experience any of these issues using the earlier 8.0 commercial version or 9.0 commercial. But these things might really ruin Idea reputation as a “great IDE” for people who haven’t used it and want to look at it while it’s available free.

The last but not the least – plugins. Even if it does work with 9.0 version, it may well crash your community version, so watch – out.