Now that this fancy prog is available i downloaded and installed it hoping to see all that Google promised it will have. However either ’cause its beta or these things just cant be fixed for browsers – here ‘s my opinion after about half a moth usage.
Usability – good, except if one tab hangs – all tabs entire app hang…After some time however you get a dialog requesting the stop of some plugin, but in general – if there is no active items on the page – it just hangs 🙁
I can’t say i experieced tremendous change after moving from firefox. I almost never use drag-tab-out feature. As for me it would be much better to have some kind of tab-grouping mechanism ’cause having lots of instances of chrome in my task bar doesnt really make me happy.
Safety – good, when I came to page with harmful script it took me one checkbox to get rid of the page. Certificate management also good but I haven’t found a funtion to add exceptions – maybe there will be one in final version. The one thing i want to mention is – I was amazed about how easily it grabbed all my passwords from firefox – is it so easy to do or I have missed something…. Agreement issue is also one thing to keep in mind.
Stability – rather good than bad. After long period of time it still becomes sluggish as any other browser. Especially if there are lots of tabs open. Today i had an issue with google reader: i listened to some podcasts via reader and then after some switching in preferences the just refused to play though download bar was progressing… What was the most interesting part is that closing the tab and opening it didn’t help. How does it connects with the super-separate process concept ;)? Error messages ala ‘Sorry error happened’ are not even worth mentioning.

So to sum up: Chrome is is a very pleasant browser to use but now it doesnt seem to liverage all the problems that it is said to. Commercials are good but reality bytes…
Happy browsing!