Now you never know how will modern technology strike you next time… Experience I’ve got today is remarkable. It’s not that something awful happened, but potentially this is really serious. Imagine you have a template in the phone to send SMS quickly with predefined text. And Imagine this piece of software has bugs… Whatever – one might think if it won’t send an sms – I’ll retype and sent it again. Now the real trouble comes when it sends sms far more then once. And it becomes even worse if an sms you send is a special one… a service one… designed to pay for services using you credit card. And then when you realize that the amount of money withdrawn from you account is not expected N but M*N, where M is a random bug number you look like that smiley. And you can’t blame anyone(providers are innocent – they got m requests and thoroughly fulfilled ’em) – ’cause you’re afraid to reproduce and hope it won’t ever reproduce. So watch-out for new technology – sometimes it knocks you down.
