Recently had an issue in the BlackBerry Java application: it was reported to crash if the sounds were on and played often. However it didn’t crash if sounds were played once in a while. After some investigation it turned out that there are no memory leaks but some thing blocked the event dispatch queue. I asked for help on Stack Overflow and BlackBerry developer forums but that didn’t lead me anywhere except that I thought that something definitely gets locked. as my sounds were played via

SoundPlayer sp = new SoundPlayer((String) ((SoundNotification) arg).getArg() + Constants.EXTENSION_MIDI);

i though that maybe this is the concurrent resource access issue as some of the melodies had to be played more than one time. So I implemented a simple manager like

class SoundManager implements Runnable {

  boolean _isRunning;
  Vector _playList;

  public SoundManager() {
    _isRunning = true;
    _playList = new Vector(10);

  public synchronized void stop() {
    _isRunning = false;

  public synchronized void addTrack(String item) {
    _playList.insertElementAt(item, _playList.size());

  public void run() {
    while (_isRunning) {
      if (_playList.isEmpty()) {
        synchronized (this) {
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // do nothing
      } else {
        // no f..n queue in this SDK
        String item = null;
        synchronized (_playList) {
          item = (String) _playList.elementAt(0);
        final SoundPlayer sp = new SoundPlayer(item);
        while (sp.isPlaying())

  private void sleep(long timeout) {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {


and launched it along with application. BTW I was pretty much surprised that there IS NO QUEUE in 4.0.2 blackberry JDK SO i had to use Vector(well din’t really have to but it was used all around the code so I just grabbed it to be able to asap). This solved the issue.

However the the root of the problem was different from what I thought(though the solution is still correct). The root of the problem was my misunderstanding of the invokeLater method. It is misleading that it takes Runnable as a param – it actually executes your runnable on the event dispatch queue! Gotcha! Some of my sounds were 13 seconds long – no wonder firmware blocked the app with “Application is not responding” exception.