CDN image hosting for blog'

It’s rare that a blog has 0 images. Hosting them on the same box as the blog instance is the easiest solution, but it comes at a cost: disk space and page load speed. Unless you are a professional blogger, you are also not ready shell out many $$ for a CDN, so what options are there? ...

11/18/2017 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Migrating wordpress blog to hugo and hosting it with GitHub Pages

Two weeks ago my blog was hosted on a 10$/mo vps instance in DigitalOcean, powered by a couple docker containers, running an ever dynamic Wordpress platform. Now it’s completely static, served from GitHub Pages servers free. What follows is a small experience reco/guide on how to make this happen. ...

11/12/2017 · 5 min · Viktor Halitsyn

WISE installation studio

Windows Installer… nightmare… WISE – hurt me plenty. Although this is much simpler and logical to my mind then WI it is still very sensible to changes. What I am trying to say – if do everything right from the first time e.g. correctly choose all names and dialogs and files e.t.c it works perfectly. But when after 5 minutes you decide to change, say, some script or file destination WISE i making so many actions in background you can’t even imagine....

09/26/2008 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn