Lift + ajax. The “proper” way of doing presentations.

24-th seconds rules… This mostly ru-zone compliant 🙂

04/24/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Java to BlazeDS NAN in double values.

Internet is basically full of subj but vice-versa(BlazeDS to java). So the problem I had was that when the object is “translated” from java via BlazeDS to flex application it had NAN’s in the double fields. The transfer object was a simple POJO I passed via the interface. First thing I checked were the getters – all present and valid. I took quite a lot of time till we figured out that it was the missing setters which made the code malfunction....

04/22/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

maven-compiler-plugin causing eclipse projects to have j2se 1.4 instead of configured one

Today was investigating the warnings around some of my eclipse maven projects and noticed that I have a few There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment messages. It took some time to figure out that it was actually the maven-compiler-plugin causing the the J2SE version to be picked up correctly. If I changed the packaging of the maven project to jar everything was generated fine....

04/21/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

String.split() VS String.startsWith() VS Regex simple performance comparison.

Now really, what would be faster/more reliable for a typical not so complicated and not over-simple case? Yes the one we tend to deal with in our day-to-day work? For those impatient benchmarks are here.Reading a 100/1000-line file is not fun and I really think you shouldn’t bother choosing if you’re dealing with such volumes of data. But if you have to parse 320k-500k records lines, which, in fact, is not that large – 320k of CSV data is ~ 12MB performance is considerable....

04/19/2011 · 6 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Nokia OVI suite & sms extract.

There was a nice program for syncing phone and PC called Nokia PC Suite. While still available on some dusty hard drives it is now replaced with something called Nokia Ovi Suite. As I mentioned before – nice piece of software if we forget about all the “store” thing. But it has one important for me thing missing – sms extracting mechanism. You can’t just take all of your sms and store to the file you want....

12/27/2010 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

.NET WMI. Or how do I get all that info?

There’s a ton of Win properties that your program might want to access/possess/transform and there’s a single place to find them: WMI queries. Though some of the properties might be scattered through different classes like Environment and *Info and even *Stream and more(and I believe accessing them through that places is significantly cheaper and faster) there’s one sigle silver bullet to get them all via Select * From [win_category] The problem is there are tons of “win_category]’ and * values....

10/13/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

.NET tab control.

Consider some UI that you would like to present as tabs. And you also know that all these tabs would have a considerate amount of code in common. There are some thoughts [here][1] but those are more about visual representation. Also creating usercontrols I believe is not an option due to it’s not expected to have more tah one tab of a kind. The solution has to both utilize the VS designer(otherwise tab creation would take considerably more time) and keep the code separate from the tabcontrol – holder form....

10/08/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn


There is a nice tutorial here on how to create spring web services using jax-b. Works just fine but it’s hell lots of issues you would run into while making it actually work. The most frustrating for me as of today was the absence of Jaxb2Marshaller. in the std “spring-ws-core” artifact package. It’s just not there and noone would tell you. Only _**Jaxb1Marshaller **_is. After an hour googling found this (BTW very simple and straightforward) post where spotted the “spring-oxm-tiger” artifact....

09/29/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

MCPD acquired.

Finally. Now frankly – preparing for MS exams while doing die-hard java is not a funny thing to do. NEVER practice such a combination… About the exam – it was better then the previous 2: it obeyed no rules:). What I mean here is that I could have skipped the preparation kit completely! Yes there were a few questions related to the book’s content, BUT reading it is completely optional IMHO....

03/28/2010 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

907: Invalid cod and other BlackBerry OTA problems.

Most of us, who developed any BlackBerry app that had to be shipped OTA had seen this “descriptive” error. It might be anything from invalid jad to signing problems. The one I’m going to describe here is when the size of the cod file is more than 64K. Finding out if you have this problem is fairly easy: just look into the final cod and see if there are actually 2 cod files packaged in one cod....

03/10/2010 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn