WP7 Mango dive

It has been a few month since I started mangling with WP7 platform. The more I learnt about it from the inside the more I wanted to buy new real WP7 phone. Things changed slightly after I have done my very first app(didn’t make it to the app store as I found plenty of similar ones already there and mine was not adding much :() but still as of now I would really be interested in posessing a WP7 phone and giving it a solid try....

02/26/2012 · 3 min · Viktor Halitsyn

MySql performance. 5.1 VS 5.5 VS 5.6 (dev)

Recently had to do an investigation about MySql server performance. So what I basically did was: created a winXP wmWare image, created a script for generating populating sql; installed db server version on that machine and kept track of times while executing sql statements; reverted to the original virgin machine state; start again. The versions I tested on were MySql community server 5.1, 5.5 and the development verion of 5.6. Here is the chart that represents my findings[the smaller the better]:...

09/14/2011 · 4 min · Viktor Halitsyn

java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: and]

Had a problem with injecting JMSFactory for JBoss MQ using spring(for Camel :)). The problem had the next StackTrace: Caused by: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: and] at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:780) at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:627) at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:392) at org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate$1.doInContext(JndiTemplate.java:154) I was sure I configured it right as I have <jee:jndi-lookup id="JBossMQ" jndi-name="XAConnectionFactory" proxy-interface="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory" environment-ref="jndiProps" resource-ref="true"/> <util:properties id="jndiProps" location="META-INF/spring/jndi....

09/06/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Plymouth fix for Ubuntu 11.04

If you’re in the same trouble as I was with black screen during boot(plymouth has the theme installed and even displays it during shutdown) then there is a small thing that has to be edited in order to get rid of this annoyance. Go to /etc/grub.d/10_linux and remove the **handoff=7 **parameter. Inspired by this and also this(pretty nice tool for configuring plymouth for dummies).

06/28/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Hackathon in Lviv

Great news! Best Hackathon traditions to invade Lviv. DOU is planning a hackathon @ June 9 — 10. Location is not set yet, but people are welcome to join now, so that we know there’ll be enough people comming. More details here. If anyone interested to create a team – reach me via comments here or on IMs…

06/20/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

New quest from Microsoft

33+k UAH for those lucky to win the lottery among the ones most skilled in MS puzzle solving:) More here

06/04/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

j2ee sdk install hanging fix.

Spent about 3 hours trying to install the latest java ee sdk on my natty narwhal with no luck. It usually hang with 45% and 5seconds left forever. Might be I’m a bad googler but turned out that there is a bug in the installer which prevents the installation from continuing. The workaround is to disable the network connections before the installation begins(disabling while it is hanging did not work for me)....

06/01/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Avahi and “network service discovery disabled”

Had a real problem with my wifi after moving to Ubuntu from win -> my download speed was dead slow with ~2Mb/s. Tried various things including this this and finally this. The last one did the trick. It was Avahi which spoiled everything. The thing that led me to Avahi was this irritating message popping out each time I connected: Having this changed _AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL=1 to AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL=0 in /etc/default/avahi-daemon_ Got me up to 22Mb/s after reboot....

05/20/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Skype + Microsoft.

I really, really do not know if that’s accidental or on-purpose and whether it’s connected with the fact that Microsoft bought Skype, but this morning I received a wonderful email: Now 3 things about this: I **am **a skype user. Who the hell is Natalia??? And why, and when and WTF?! I love to use skype. It would be sad if this is the** turning point**. 🙁

05/16/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn

Tabkit => Vertical tabs

A post for those who, once tried, cannot live without vertical tabs in FF. I used to have TabKit installed but this unfortunately does not support FF 4. So I even was very reluctant to switch to the new version as having my browsing (or should I say _research ) _organized, __is one of the crucial parts of my productivity. But turns out there is Vertical Tabs which does almost the same thing....

05/12/2011 · 1 min · Viktor Halitsyn