About 3 years ago I wash introduced to CVS and from that time I havent stopped using it as it quickly became my daily useage tool. Since than I tried  some different tools- just because i had to due to work purposes and one of them was Subversion(SVN). I [ractically don’t see any difference between the two in usage and moreover in the interface. It has to be said that I use TortoiseCVS/SVN verisons – maybe standalone apps differ significantly. Well the reason I considered wriiting this post is recently I decided to move all my projects from CVS to SVN. The reasons for my ‘great migration’ were next: with the same level of usability SVN to mym mind is much better on the repository side. Just take a look at all these files produced by CVS – it takes tonn of time to parse all of them for some filesystem tool.And due to that(and i think not only that) it consumes more space. For example the same set of projects wasted 1.5 GB with CVS and 1.3GB for SVN. I think this is a considerable ‘thing’ to take into account especially in terms of source codes. I mean no harm or rude words to CVS – that is a wonderful system and i’ve used it for yeras. But again SVN to my mind seems to be smarter and, by the way,  faster in file handling. I havent used SVN personally for long so I cant now judge about stability but taking into account number of projects hosted over the internet using Subversion i think that won’t be a problem either….