Everybody knows of such a nice tool developed by our precious Google as Google Search. Recently I conducted a search on my computer for a simple word ‘Hack’. I was impressed by the results:

the word is mostly used in … !!!Java sdk!!! – try it out. I saw also some Visusal Studio files and some more but… I the Sun guys need to hack Windows in orde to get things done… no fursther comments…

4"PropertyValue name=0"TODO:2PropertyValue name=1"HACK:2PropertyValue name=2"UNDONE:2PropertyValue name=3
 Preview My DocumentsVisua...CurrentSettings.vssettings - Open folder - 4 cached - Nov 05
returns' access' false) nopackage) ret =array( foreach(tags[tags' as $tag) if (tag[keyword' return' hack because stupid Converter isn't doing its job $tag[keyword' returns' ret[tag[keyword' tag
 Preview ProjectsPHP...XMLDocBookpeardoc2Convert.inc - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 17
4" PropertyValue name=0"TODO:2 PropertyValue name=1"HACK:2 PropertyValue name=2"UNDONE:2 PropertyValue name=3
 Preview SOENFLASHFLASH2Exported-2008-10-06.vssettings - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 16
else {endUpdate( else {endUpdate( public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) This is a bit of a hack but is probably better than relying on /the JEditorPane to update the caret's position
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_...ScriptShellPanel.java - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 07
import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing. import javax.swing.text. hack to load attributed content *public class Wonderland {Wonderland(DefaultStyledDocument doc, StyleContext styles
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10dem...Wonderland.java - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 07
import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing. import javax.swing.text. hack to load attributed content. public class HelloWorld {HelloWorld(DefaultStyledDocument doc, StyleContext styles
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10dem...HelloWorld.java - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 07
null) restore the original cursor html.setCursor(cursor) PENDING(prinz) remove this hack when /automatic validation is activated. Container parent =html.getParent( parent.repaint( else
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10...MetalworksHelp.java - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 07
import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing. import javax.swing.text. hack to load attributed content *public class Wonderland {Wonderland(DefaultStyledDocument doc, StyleContext styles
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10dem...Wonderland.java - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 07
import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing. import javax.swing.text. hack to load attributed content. public class HelloWorld {HelloWorld(DefaultStyledDocument doc, StyleContext styles
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10dem...HelloWorld.java - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 07
null) restore the original cursor html.setCursor(cursor) PENDING(prinz) remove this hack when /automatic validation is activated. Container parent =html.getParent( parent.repaint( else
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10...MetalworksHelp.java - Open folder - 1 cached - Oct 07
charAt(src) path.charAt(src +1) Remove leading slashes if followed by drive specifier. This hack is necessary to support file URLs containing drive specifiers (e.g. file:c:path" As a
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_1...Win32FileSystem.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
modify the paintContext's state to match the state for the row /this is a hack in that it requires knowledge of the subsequent /method calls. The point is, the context used
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10sr...SynthTreeUI.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
to just repaint the tab area! tabPane.repaint( forward the event delegate.mouseReleased(e) hack: The super method *should* be setting the mouse-over property correctly /here, but it doesn
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0...SynthTabbedPaneUI.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
code> protected String paramString( return super.paramString( echoChar= echoChar; This method is a hack to get around the fact that we cannot *directly override setUIProperty because part
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10...JPasswordField.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
virtual `preceding the name. We represent any alphanumeric character by `a' We need a special hack to check, as required by the RFC 2609 (SLP) grammar, that the last component of
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10...JMXServiceURL.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
Offset of where to draw the first character on the first line. This is a hack and temporary until we can better address the problem *of text measuring. This field is actually
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10src....PlainView.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
we don't have a 100% pure solution for *this. so this class trys to hack a solution *to causing the marks to be collected. final class StickyPosition implements Position {StickyPosition
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10...StringContent.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
in sun.awt. Both of these approaches /have been frowned upon. So for now, we hack. In tiger, we will probably give timestamps to all events, so this /will no longer be
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10src...EventQueue.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
never throw any sort of exception. p> i>Note:i> This method is a temporary hack to work around the *absence of a real API that provides the ability to replace the
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6...EventDispatchThread.java - 1 cached - Mar 12
InputStream s) throws IOException {byte profileData[ if (s instanceof ProfileDeferralInfo) hack to detect profiles whose loading can be deferred *return getDeferredInstance(ProfileDeferralInfo
 Preview ProgramsJavajdk1.6.0_10sr...ICC_Profile.java - 1 cached - Mar 12